To purchase a recording, please note the class number and fill out the form below.  You will receive a payment link to complete the purchase. 
More recordings for rent or purchase can be found here:

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Class 63- $15

March 20, 2022

Back Care – standing poses, forward extensions, and twisting that gives relief, toning, and mobility to the back. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 62- $15

March 13, 2022

Using support in backbends enabling longer holds. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 61- $15

January 30, 2022

A nice balance of movement, inversions, and some restorative. Bring mobility to the upper back and calm the mind. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 60- $15

January 23, 2022

Find balance and freedom in your neck and back with supported backbends, inversions, chest opening. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 59- $15

January 2, 2022

Bring balance and freedom to the upper back and shoulders. Variations of Viparita Dandasana in the chair, inversions, twists. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 58- $15

December 12, 2021

Use support to bring evenness and mobility to the groins, hips, and lower back. Supine and standing poses. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 57- $15

October 26, 2021

Restorative practice of supported forward extensions, quieting the mind. Followed by a deeply calming practice of Sama Vritti pranayama. Modifications are given. 60 minutes.

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Class 56- $15

March 28, 2021

Access the sacrum and spine in twists and supine asanas including supine Utthita Trikonasana and supine Parivrtta Trikonasana. Bring that awareness into some standing poses and seated forward extensions. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 55- $15

May 18, 2021

Bring health to the wrists, hands, arms, and shoulders. Helpful for arthritis or overused fingers and thumbs. Includes inversions and modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 54- $15

April 15, 2021

Restorative class especially effective for fatigue.   Includes inversions and modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 53- $10

January 6, 2021

A Level 1 class with a variety of poses, ending with restorative. Modifications are given. 
60 minutes.

Play Video

Class 52- $15

September 29, 2020

Align the front and back of the pelvis. Standing poses, inversions, backbends. Options for Urdhva Dhanurasana. Modifications are given. 
90 minutes.

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Class 51- $15

September 24, 2020

Align the chest, open the hips and groins. Standing poses, Supta Padangusthasana, and forward extensions. Includes inversions. Modifications are given. 
90 minutes.

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Class 50- $15

September 27, 2020

Align the arms/elbows and strengthen the legs. Arm work, standing poses, and standing forward extensions. Includes inversions. Modifications are given. 
90 minutes.

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Class 49- $15

September 22, 2020

An exalted chest – the distinction between the abdomen and chest in inversions, supported backbends, seated pranayama. Modifications are given. 
90 minutes.

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Class 48- $15

September 20, 2020

Twistings that address different areas of the back. Abdominal poses. Includes inversions. Modifications are given. 
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 47- $15

September 17, 2020

Backbends. Stages of Viparita Dandasana in the chair,  Urdhva Dhanurasana. Includes inversions. Modifications are given. 
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 46- free

September 16, 2020

Pranayama that addresses exposure to pollution and smoke.
16 minutes.

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Class 45- $15

September 15, 2020

Evenness in the back in backbends and inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 44- $15

September 13, 2020

Moving the back and gaining freedom in the neck. Includes inversions and seated pranayama. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 43- $15

September 10, 2020

A variety of poses that open the front of the pelvis, strengthen and open the knees. Includes Anantasana and Bhekasana and inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 42- $15

September 8, 2020

Find mobility in the upper back in a variety of poses including back arches and inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 41- $15

September 6, 2020

Release tension in the abdomen and chest in supported backbends and supine poses. Finish with pranayama. Includes inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 40- $15

September 3, 2020

Create support for the organs and connect with the inner body in standing poses, inversions, supine poses, and Maha Mudra. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 39- $15

September 1, 2020

Lengthen the lower back, release the groins and use the abdomen. Parsvakonasana, Malasana, Lolasana. Includes inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 38- $15

August 30, 2020

Move from the root of the spine in standing poses, backbends, and inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 37- $15

August 27, 2020

For the nervous system: supported inversions and pranayama. Includes Anantasana. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 36- $15

August 25, 2020

Abdominal poses and twists, supine and seated. Includes inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 35- $15

August 23, 2020

Open the shoulders, the chest, the heart and let your breath flow. Includes inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 34- $15

August 20, 2020

Strengthen the hips and move from the pelvis. Some standing poses, forward extensions and inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 33- $15

August 18, 2020

Bring freedom in backbends. Inversions included. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 32- $15

August 16, 2020

Move energy upward. Couple of standing poses. Seated poses including Siddhasana and Padmasana. Inversions and forward extensions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 31- $15

August 4, 2020

Be in your legs. Standing poses, arm work, backbends, Sirsasana. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 30 - $15

August 2, 2020

Balance. Learn to balance from the foundation. Includes inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 29 - $15

July 30, 2020

Lengthen in standing and seated poses, twists, Malasana and inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 28 - $15

July 28, 2020

Make space and breathe. Some restorative. Includes inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 27 - $15

July 26, 2020

Hip opening, front of the pelvis length, in supine, standing, and backbend poses. Includes inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 26 - $15

July 23, 2020

Uplifting the chest. Chest openers. Includes inversions including Pinca Mayurasana. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 25 - $15

July 21, 2020

Good for ankles, knees, legs, and hips. Seated, balancing, and abdominal poses. Includes inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

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Class 24 - $15

July 19, 2020

Flow into forward extensions. Learn to do standing and seated forward extensions without force. Includes inversions. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 23 - $15

July 16, 2020

Restorative poses leading to pranayama. Includes seated pranayama. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 22 - $15

June 9, 2020

Supported asanas with breath observation, including  inversions. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 21 - $15

July 14, 2020

Abdomen awareness. Standing poses, Anantasana, twists, seated poses, and inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 20 - $15

July 12, 2020

Earth and Air. Stability of shoulders, arm work, backbends, and inversions. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 19 - $15

July 9, 2020

Some twists, seated poses, knotted poses, and inversions. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 18 - $15

July 7, 2020

Upper back awareness. Supta Tadasana with block support, arm work, standing poses, inversions. Modifications are given.
90 minutes.

Play Video

Class 17 - $15

July 5, 2020

Lead with the heart in Surya Namaskar and standing forward extensions. Includes abdominal poses and inversions. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 16 - $15

July 2, 2020

Symmetry in forward extensions standing and seated. Inversions and twists. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 15 - $15

June 30, 2020

Stability and mobility in standing poses and inversions. Includes backbend, twist, and forward extension. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 14 - $15

June 28, 2020

Restorative and Pranayama (Bramhari). Inversions included.
Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 13 - $15

June 25, 2020

Good for the groins. In standing, seated, and supine poses. Inversions included. Modifications given. 90 minutes.

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Class 12 - $15

June 21, 2020

Standing poses, inversions, backbends. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 11 - $15

June 18, 2020

Quieting the mind, opening the heart. Some supported poses and inversions. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 10 - $15

June 16, 2020

Some Surya Namaskar, inversions, belly backbends, and twists. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 9 - $15

June 14, 2020

Be long in your sides. Some twists, standing poses, arm balance, inversions, and Supta Padangusthasana. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 8 - $15

June 11, 2020

lift the chest. Some balancing asanas, backbends, abdominals and inversions. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 7 - $15

June 7, 2020

Leg alignment in standing and seated forward extensions. Inversions included. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 6 - $15

June 5, 2020

Restorative and Pranayama. 60 minutes.

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Class 5 - $15

June 4, 2020

Shoulder blades and upper back in some standing poses, backbends, and inversions. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 4 - $15

June 2, 2020

Inner legs and pelvis in some standing poses, inversions, and abdominal poses. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 3 - $15

May 26, 2020

Access the groins, hips, and lower back in standing and seated poses, inversions, and Supta Padangusthasana. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 2 - $15

May 24, 2020

Actions of the shoulder blades and opening your chest in standing poses, inversions, and supported backbends. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.

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Class 1 - $15

May 21, 2020

Twisting in standing and seated poses. Includes inversions. Modifications are given. 90 minutes.